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Monday, March 14, 2011

Education Quality Needs to go back to First things First

There are first things first right the first time (FTFRTFT) things to do that are not done. The quality industry has not been used by government and education. Just a few quality concepts would go a long way. Crosby, Heil, Goldratt  and Covey principles are not used. They are used in all other fields of deliveries. The concepts and principles were new 30 years ago but Education has few excuses any more. Even positive expectations without substantial new early assets delivered will not move the needle. Brain Science says 90% of the synaptic closings are naturally complete by age 5-6. The public school starts at age 5-6. We all know mentors of mom and child are needed sooner verse later if literacy and order is not being nurtured. See for a first things first discussion. Nothing is new, who will show up with the intrusive paternalism called for by David Brooks before the new money is put in.

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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Supporting A Public Service Message

7879 Somerset Ct
Woodbury MN 55125

Supporting A Public Service Message
“Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift,all children are behind before they start kindergarten.”

This letter has been sent to our federal representatives and senators, our state governors, the directors of state chambers of commerce and the state house and senate legislators in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In short it makes reference to letters sent to promise and struggling neighborhoods who desire to restructure, remodel and grow the local culture of opportunity.

Letters are on the first blog (Today’s Children, Tomorrow’s Future) from this page.

USA VALUES, LLC is a start up to address the education and economic gap from the grassroots communities using a private sector approach concentrating on local growth economics, education, emotions and ethics. The business perspective uses a snakes in the grass image. It represents the extra cost we have because we do not build on the truth of first things first when we work this problem. Doing first things first is a professional way of creating new money from the old.

1. The end in mind is that High Quality Early Reading Skills Delivered is defined to meet the requirements of one size fits one at risk entry into kindergarten. These requirements are set by the district as evidence of proficiency, on the way to third grade measures. They must first fully consider expectations for high quality brain developments and generally the definition must give respect to what is time sensitive. The delivery should be guaranteed easier than not by the provider. The child must not be allowed by parent or mentor to fall behind in pre-k; the strategy is to not let the education gap form.

2. As business activity, we call for everyone to know how important and time sensitive early reading, counting, and understanding positive direction is to the child and the community. We do this by sending paid for public service messaging from local business and service that is sure to reach the most at risk and community with the same message. This is the subject of the local social business network in addition to modern business communication.

3. As an after hour business proponent of value creation, we call for a professional restructure of local school and government present spending choices in the public silos of delivered services and education. The restructure is to create “new money” from old money so that 100% of at risk kids are funded to be ready and each dollar is spent in support of what is first things first for a resident or business taxpayer and a child at risk.

4. The “New Money” creates a surge of Early Reading Skills Delivered that can be counted on by the K-12 education system. The local K-12 systems “control” the requirement and the restructuring of federal, state, county and local district spending to be certain high quality early learning is funded for 100% achievement. Delivery will likely be contracted for cost considerations and performance must be guaranteed to progress to zero exceptions (100%) over 3 years.

5. Complexities are slain like dangerous snakes in the grass or the grass is cut because the community (including small business and churches) want it so and are socially connected with technology to make it so. Choices are simplified when the 80% sees growth in opportunity and the value of giving priority to first things first.
• The growth can be lined up right the first time starting with the coverage of the most at risk age 0-6 children.
• An effective mentor of child and mom is considered an asset of the child, if necessary. Assignments are changed as required to make the child successful on the defined path.

6. Back to business, USA VALUES LLC is a local advertising company that sends the public service message in print and online. There is synergy in the customer base of business advertising and promoting. There is no waste as the social / business network is created. The customer list has dual purpose linked directly to revenue, the PSM and the social network.

7. The owner of the advertising company knows the general public is aware of the PSM at some level. However, surveys reveal the general public is not aware that early literacy is time sensitive physical brain development where very significant percentages of synaptic closings cannot be redone. The child is left behind when those closing are on empty.

USA VALUES, LLC introduces a unique website to facilitate development of communities in light of the above. It recognizes public education and social programs to be the mother lode of resource that must make the pivot to success. Under all conditions there is a first things first that when recognized will generate less waste. The time has come to pivot.

Individual positive expectations must be used for the foundation of the local restructuring to work best within our republic. Our national site is and our first local site is

Consider these concepts locally because they do not require millions to plan and billions of new federal money. You can participate in the web sites via comment or Twitter.

Call me and we can put an increased present value on the positive expectation of creating an individual at age 6 who is ready to read, count and understand positive direction.

Best regards, Early Reading Skills Delivered - Ringing Advantages

Thomas Wolfgram

President- USA VALUES, LLC and and and

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Neighborhoods connect to Positive Expectations

7879 Somerset Ct
Woodbury MN 55125

Neighborhoods connect to Positive Expectations

After reading materials on the Promise Neighborhood Applications we want to express respect for your desired improvement. We would like to add to your efforts from the private sector and present to you avenues without start and stop federal government support. USA VALUES, LLC. introduces a unique website to facilitate development of communities in light of the individual and social needs. Multiple local networks come into connection with an important public service message for the community. “Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.”

As you know many locations and many of the worst cases will not receive federal money to even start. Importantly several local networks will start down the road of the new promise neighborhood federal money on a start that may not reconcile to the deficit now or even 10 years from now. The money problem is with us forever.

There has to be a grassroots start for this restructure and new delivery that does not rely on Washington DC. Common sense must insist on a local multi silo First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT) restructuring, focus, confidence and delivery of those at risk. The case has already been made that it is in the best interest of business of all sizes to invest in early reading skills to create positive expectations in their “neighborhood”. This is critical to small business, churches and communities who want to create new positive expectations, basic individualism, gifting definitions, investments and social interventions. And, balanced budgets.

USA VALUES believes like many that age 0-6 children should be made ready for kindergarten to exactly the requirement set by the school district and the brain development science. This will require a restructuring of the multiple silos of spending (everyone to earlier, done right the first time) for at risk children and their mothers. What must be done first is actually simplified. When 100% of the kids are delivered ready to read, count and understand positive direction the exception is eliminated. There are no lower cost times or place to prevent being at risk; than age 0-6; in the local community. A surge process to cover 100% needs to be locally created and delivered.

FTFRTFT high quality includes a guaranteed delivery of 100% ready to read children to kindergarten. K-12 education is strong and will continue that to 100% proficiency in 3rd grade and later because of focus and confidence. The individual ethic of asset building is very important to freedom working in the USA, supported by traditional business and local economics. Business has the talent to help schools and government restructure and reduce costs to create “new money” based on the completely ready input. Demonstrations exist, we need leaders who understand quality can be engineered. The result is a literate individual growing to value freedom, economics, education, emotions and ethics. Government, schools, churches and communities have the resources to mentor child and mother to kindergarten readiness within the money that is already being spent.

School districts can be funded to start earlier and charged with the school readiness issue of individual contracts to the at risk so the delivery can be guaranteed ready by a contracted mentor or provider. All the power of web and mobile can be applied without a classroom as the need is first seen one size fits one. Without question communities need to be “talking” socially about their positive expectations from early reading skills delivered through mentors and classes.

In summary, schools will deliver a 21st century world class education because they have started with 100% student proficiency as early as first grade. To not make this pivot to individual asset building, including being ready to read is to keep trying with failed concepts and principles. Small business drives the free PSM via the flyer and the local social network to start the culture change from the foundations. USA Values, defined by the location, will intrusively challenge the culture of spending accountability to asset building by soft messaging from the small businesses and the local churches. Budgets are a constraint. Your attitude to put FTFRTFT in place is a critical replacement for more money in total.

We have the business model to surge just that. The model will prove to be more accountable and lower cost. USA VALUES will give revolutionary positive substance to small business success, asset building, the corner church and local budgets.

For reference I link to the community requirement for the Promise Neighborhood Money at and note it does not include local small business or the corner church as required partners. A clear pivot to first things first might not be first in your ultimate plan and we suggest you make it so. Our national site is and our first local site is

339 communities applied for federal money and only 20 received grants to plan very tight locations with unacceptable boundaries and no real new money behind the plans. Please pivot because the quality principle of FTFRTFT is universal and not subject to change now or tomorrow.

Consider these concepts locally because they do not require millions to plan and billions of new federal money. You can participate in the web sites via comment or Twitter.

Call me and we can put an increased present value on the positive expectation of creating an individual at age 6 ready to read, count and understand positive direction.

Best regards, Early Reading Skills Delivered - Ringing Advantages
Thomas Wolfgram
President- USA VALUES, LLC and and and and and
651-735-3018; Cell 612-968-1579

Attention Black Regiment Pastors

Dear ,

Attention Black Regiment Pastors

Via Glen Beck and David Barton I came to your listing on the Chuck Baldwin site. In keeping with watching what the other hand is doing we need to be alert to the federal government installing cradle to career urban support for those at risk without really changing the culture. You will see from this letter and web sites that proficient early reading skills before kindergarten in the USA are considered like clean water in Africa. A huge success factor and one of the places the local Christian Church can significantly address.

USA VALUES, LLC introduces a unique website to facilitate local business, churches and teachers in light of the individual Christian and social needs. Multiple local networks come into connection with an important public service message for the community. “Delivery of early reading skills is a Critical Gift. Without this Gift, all children are behind before they start kindergarten.”

Importantly many local networks will spend new promise neighborhood federal money on cradle to career start programs and many of the worst cases will not ever get federal money. There has to be a way for this delivery from the grassroots to impact the worst of our urban culture. There is not enough federal money to do this from Washington DC. Common sense must insist on a First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT) restructuring, focus, confidence and delivery of those at risk.

This is critical to churches and small business and education at this time. The parameters of local program spending must include basic individualism, gifting definitions, and positive individual and business expectations from investment and social interventions that are accountable and desired by 80% of the population. Building solid individual assets will allow rapid replication without federal money, thus it is a perfect place to start on the culture.

USA VALUES agrees that age 0-6 children should be made ready for kindergarten to exactly the requirement set out by the school district. This will require a restructuring of the multiple silos of spending (to earlier) on at risk children and their mothers. When 100% of the kids are delivered ready to read, count and understand positive direction the exception is eliminated and federal money should stop flowing. There is no lower cost time or place to solve being at risk; at age 0-6; in the local community. A surge process must be locally created and delivered. We know who understands this.

FTFRTFT high quality includes a guaranteed delivery of 100% ready to read children to kindergarten. The schools are strong enough to continue that to 100% proficiency in 3rd grade and later. While the tax on business is always a concern, the individual ethic of asset building is very important for freedom to work in our republic. Government, schools and churches have the resources to mentor child and mother to kindergarten readiness within the money that is already being spent. Business has the talent to help schools and government restructure and reduce costs based on the completely ready input. The culture needs individuals who value freedom because it is God given to every man.

It really is time to act and interject individual asset building into the local community of at risk children and mothers, residents, local business, local churches, local government, schools and organizations. USA VALUES has the business model to surge. It would prove to be far more accountable to the most at risk and lower cost than anything from the federal government. USA VALUES would give revolutionary positive substance to the Black Regiment and major local spending concerns. School districts already match to the capacity of the kindergarten numbers and they can issue the individual contracts to the at risk so the delivery can be guaranteed ready by a contracted mentor or provider.

Schools then deliver a 21st century education because they have started with 100% proficiency as early as first grade. This is not made up, it is being done today. To not make this pivot to individual asset building to keep trying with failed concepts and principles. Small business drives free PSM via the flyer and the local network to start the culture change. Reorganizing federal, state, local government and school district spending to concentrate early on the individual ethic of asset building changes the culture from the small business and local church effort. Budgets are a constraint. Your time maybe has come to impact the culture.

Check out the stated community requirement for the Promise Money at and note they do not care about local small business or the corner church as required partners. You (corner church) are needed for the foundation of the local restructuring within our republic.

Our national site is and our first local site is Use these concepts locally to dive into the culture because they do not require millions to plan and billions of new federal programs. You can participate in the sites via comment or Twitter.

Remember that 339 communities applied (I guess that over 1,000 but less than 2,000 exist) for federal money and only 20 received grants to plan with no new money behind the plans. We must think about what is not being done in the worst of situations and locations and act as Christians.

Please call if you would like to know more and how.
Best regards,
Early Reading Skills Delivered - Ringing Advantages

Thomas Wolfgram

President-  USA VALUES, LLC 
651-735-3018; Cell 612-968-1579
Twitter @tdwusavalues and @EEEEinNDC