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Monday, May 20, 2013

Are Enough Businesses Asking WHAT?

5th Information Bite

Are Enough Businesses Asking WHAT?

The challenge to innovate from several of the Fortune 1000 helps USA VALUES positioning of the “first moving school districts” with their opportunity  -  Opportunity to create their own new money for their own definition of high quality improvement and increased successful throughput.  The district proposed process has been accepted as “too logical” by one superintendent and school board member.  And, parts of this concept are in operation today.
Your role starts with a simple statement that your company would consider, under further review,
asking a school district or two to cause 100% early reading skills delivered to kindergarten
starting with the most at risk children.
First moving districts will agree to undergo scientific changes to create their own system of improvement removing capacity constraints and remedial efforts that have increased total cost.  You know from innate understanding of process that everything would be different if the system started with 100% reading, counting and emotional proficiency.  You know;  1)  if there is going to be difficulty in creating readiness in age 0-6 children - earlier is better than later and simple early requirements are better than complex; and  2)  private sector leadership measures throughput and total cost against 100% for many large benefits; and  3)  it is time to share the thinking and processes with public education systems; and 4)  100% objectives expose all the issues to the progress but as mentioned in letter 4 only work on the real whole system constraints (1 or 2 max) will generate continuous improvement.  What is first things first is not optional or judgemental.
Our alignment with you and the school district in the process of creating the new money to reach 100% readiness delivery is unique – Your cash is not used; the school’s traditional sources of cash are used, and if required you collateralize their borrowing for this very specific effort.   Your venture collateral under our School District Credit Demanding Skills (SDCDS) contracts your assurance that payback will be made.  Your collateral does not play without district contracted commitment and local effort that include specific Theory of Constraints continuous improvement and Early Reading Skills Delivered processes that generate local admiration for the courage to reach 100%  for the 21st century.
We have a 20 point discussion agenda for large business.  Our Positive Expectations home page makes an issue about reaching 100% and links to our nation’s effort that does not.   We are not writing a book, points are being published via email to the CEOs in single page digest bites.  The emails and twitter will measure the commitment of our nation’s private sector to first things first benefits.  Is 100% readiness before age 6 really defining the gap?  This presentation of alignment  is for CEOs.  
 Please contact me for that important no choice discussion.
Best regards,
Early Reading Skills Delivered - Ringing Advantages
Thomas Wolfgram
President-  USA VALUES, LLC and and and and  and
651-735-3018; Cell 612-968-1579

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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Must Prompt Innovation- Growth Economics, Education, Emotions and Ethics

4th Request, thank you for your time.

Wish there was a choice, but...

100 companies of the Fortune 1000 companies would represent 10% of 15 Trillion dollars of value positioning (not spending) to insist on first things first attention. If there were 200 companies (it costs nothing to lead the positioning of innovation), what then? The most at risk could be mentored through and with mom without changing anything today. Not one Fortune 1000 dollar is to be spent within this venture collateral model. A pledge limited to an immaterial fraction of 1% creates a very powerful call to innovate -first things first- and just take care of the start to high quality for 100%. Nothing is going on today that addresses 100%; that is the grass root key to public school effectiveness in education, economics, emotions and ethics.
Without a focus on 100%, our systems just don’t deal with some issues and real total cost is not addressed.  You know this.  See our first three letters; the issue and choice will never go away. Say yes and climb the right mountain.  Any other decision keeps you in base camp or climbing the wrong mountain according to Stephen Covey. I have many positive reasons making me so bold to try and intrude on the Fortune 1000.  You also have many reasons right now to get to yes.   
You have the power to help schools see first things first and make this happen.  Besides the pure joy that takes over when children read the first and second Bob Book before they are 5 years old, the ERSD-RA contracting by the school district with the local preschool juggernaut would economically grow the delivery capacity to the exact requirement of the district.
The Fortune 1000 intruding with commitment here, for the most at risk first, is an innovation K-12 districts have been talking about without new money for 20 plus years. Help the districts, with leverage earn the new money with new commitment to their own designed high quality innovation and savings; with a new scientific understanding of the important first things first capacity constraints.
A few districts are further along this path than others but rarely address the early literacy issue as if it were equal to the early safety issue and even more rarely do they see it as the capacity constraint that could eliminate excess costs.  Simply, leaders owe it to themselves and their company to prompt innovation based on first thing first expectations for 100% delivery, in addition to everything else your company is doing.
Please set up the discussion with me, I have a very simple first step. 
Best regards,
Early Reading Skills Delivered - Ringing Advantages
Thomas Wolfgram

President-  USA VALUES, LLC
651-735-3018; Cell 612-968-1579


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