Education Quality Needs to go back to First things First

There are first things first right the first time (FTFRTFT) things to do that are not done. The quality industry has not been used by government and education. Just a few quality concepts would go a long way. Crosby, Heil, Goldratt and Covey principles are not used. They are used in all other fields of deliveries. The concepts and principles were new 30 years ago but Education has few excuses any more. Even positive expectations without substantial new early assets delivered will not move the needle. Brain Science says 90% of the synaptic closings are naturally complete by age 5-6. The public school starts at age 5-6. We all know mentors of mom and child are needed sooner verse later if literacy and order is not being nurtured. See for a first things first discussion. Nothing is new, who will show up with the intrusive paternalism called for by David Brooks before the new money is put in.
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