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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Second Letter to Multi-National Corporation CEOs

USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 651-735-3018
7879 Somerset Ct. Fax 651-451-1369
Woodbury, MN 55125

March 20, 2008



Before you dismiss the March 17th letter! Please consider:

I have been a student and investor in the early learning situation for some time. I am vested. There seems to be no limit to the way the same simple thing is said time and again. There is too much talk.

I honestly will work to create a system, for profit or not, but most likely both that; 1) focuses on the most at risk from the bottoms up to maximize the ROI and reduce to almost zero the risk of the private investor. I see the money sitting with the private investor, and ROI is a potential with more rigor and commitment. 2) Provide the systemic understanding of the basic requirements of the public kindergarten teacher in the early learning industry. Clearly, simply-- 100% of the children ready to read, count and understand positive age appropriate direction, choices and opportunity would unleash a very powerful public education system for the benefit of all. Why not just do that, first .

Our proposed structure is all about this and has nothing to do with what has been done in the past. In our proposals the private sector provides the rigor and commitment to change and is driven by the economics. It would be a new service industry built around the rigor and commitment we can expect from our returning veterans in our most at risk localities.

The private sector focus of keeping 100% of the kids in the high quality game until at least high school and providing high quality local jobs there after is now emerging as the first thing to do to protect the local areas ability to grow. This is a new market for everything.

Any investment in this early effort is discretionary and “above the law” use of the money repatriated by the 2004 Job Creation Act, or the tax reduction from the 2004 Producer’s Tax Deduction. How you present this money you received to the community is very important. A WHAT IF commitment to attain the many benefits described in the first letter to you is just prudent and growth positive. Also, inputting into the system the returning veteran’s special banner of “Literacy is Freedom and the Agenda of Opportunity” is important to every urban community that is stuck with the gap.

Everyone needs to know you hold the money and leadership to a solution and actually have a unique low risk investment proposal for the public (based on rigor and commitment) that will return enough of the ROI to the investor. We realize the multinationals have several issues working against them with a profile that puts profits first. Being the largest and most public businesses; you are actually owned by the USA public shareholder or others in the world using the USA systems for financial security. The USA middle is still the foundation.

• The “cheese” moved for our kids and the education system in the last ten years and most multi-nationals have not been waving the important warning banners.

• Multinationals and manufacturing companies have been funded to fix this situation with the 2004 Job Creation Act but have allowed the funding to stay under the national radar because it is frankly complicated and a return on the investment is not assured.

• You have a world market of human resources to work with so it is not as if you will run out of employees (maybe you will run into a shortage of the most ingenious as predicted) but the local companies will be hurting and everyone hurts when the 80% middle hurts.

The veteran can be positioned by the leaders of the multinationals in the syndication of the investment and the payback from the contracted ROI by the school, city and county. Everybody needs each other in this win-win. Once it works it can expand rapidly because the design uses natural business leverage.

Please, let me send you the introduction. We can get started soon.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President - USA VALUES, Inc.



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