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Tuesday, February 27, 2007


USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-076915066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202Maple Grove, MN 55311

January 31, 2007
Minneapolis, MN


Working on what is important but not urgent is foundational to building value. It generally requires gifts or investments because returns are not certain. Children are very sensitive to language skill acquisition at age 3-6. The acquisition of the skill is more difficult after that. Value is created by doing first things first; which is to not miss this sensitive period for 100% of at-risk children. Some thoughts about building basic value with this delivery.

1. For those most at risk, and then society in general -- Many parents do not know the sensitive period to acquiring language skill is age 3-6. Proponents have not strongly made the point. This is the source of many disengagements and dysfunction. No fault, it is “new” knowledge.
2. For government and education -- Government and schools are accountable for the gap. It is growth, speed, and prosperity (commerce and profits) that shines the light of new requirements into this gap. Be positively supportive of education because it is a lack of giving early reading skills to age 3-6 children that has always caused the gap. K-6 actually reduces a gap created in ages 3-6. But, society has deeply structured the gap and continues delivering kids who have missed the sensitive period. 30-40% of our economy is built on or around the miss, so it is not smart to think it will be fixed without external influence. Positively put, if we had 100% of the children ready to read starting in kindergarten, what level of resources in education and government would we trigger to higher purpose as children grow to adults. What nation, or city, or neighborhood could ever catch or match this ultimate strength. The logic of this development just makes too much sense.
3. For the effective citizen -- 5-10% relish the opportunity to build value by working on the IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT. In this case - Delivery of Early Reading Skills to 100% of all children and especially the most at risk is still not urgent. Demand for this investment in 100% of the children by society, schools and government is just emerging. Skills delivery will naturally plug into any and all child development and early education. That part of the 100% will happen, it has effective champions. However, reaching the most at risk for the most significant return to society requires gift giving (with investments not far behind). There are few footprints for schools to make 100% the priority even though it has the highest potential return. Effective principals are on record that it is required. But it is not public funded.

Society is wired to find the highest return or the highest purpose, as soon as it is known. The knowledge is emerging. Important but not urgent is developing an urgency. Being effective is working on first things first.

As schools and governments tell us they don't have the money; we can now say, yes you do! Just go to the Blogspot; and start to build character networks; or, go to and opt in for a gift, give a gift, or just purchase the materials and fund raising kits to start deliveries.

USA VALUES, INC. is a start-up business designed in part to promote and publish certain truths about Early Reading Skills Delivery. Materials that help the delivery of ERS by adults are provided through USA VALUES-CDP, a 501(C)(3) corporation expecting to link families, paid volunteers, early childhood learning and faith-base resources, schools, corporations and agencies to first deliver 100% of the children to be ready-to-read starting in kindergarten.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President – USA VALUES, Inc.


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