First Letter to Business
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street
Winona, Minnesota 55987
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
February 9, 2007
Letter to Business in Dakota County:
Thank you for receiving this letter. The achievement gap is created by a lack of giving Early Reading Skills (ERS) to age 3-6 children along with attention to civility and grace. You can be positively supportive of all education as they recover many children who arrive at kindergarten without the reading skills, BUT SUPPORT CAN NOT END WITH WORDS. Education science explains this giving as critical nutrition at age 3-6 to keep up with the development of the child’s brain. Language acquisition is much more difficult after age 6. Some children get the gift and some do not, so...then some must be recovered; and some go on to disengagement. Help society’s ROI explode with 100% delivery at age 6.
Attached is one public service announcement. Other letters to editors of our local papers can be viewed and commented on at; . The key words are; Philanthropy, Fairness, Accountability, Effectiveness, ROI, FAST, Designated Giving, Deep Smarts, Literacy as Democracy and Freedom, Continuous Improvement, Quality and Capitalism, Growth Forces.
Please help us with the following in Dakota County:
Makes sure each of your employees understands how important ERS is to their children and the children they go to school with. Call me I will help you do this. Cell 612-968-1579.
Ask your employees to contact their school, teachers and child care providers to be certain they are opted-in for the designated gifts possible.
Please lead by giving a gift of new money for new deliveries of ERS and Character Education. Delivering ERS is just not being done enough with a focus on 100% of the children as I will explain, in the next year.
This should be fun, not a chore because giving is the start of all growth. This outcome will only happen with new money given closest to the source.
Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
This letter is sponsored by:
USA VALUES, Inc. (763-550-0769)
PS. Reasons your business is interested in this delivery!
Want to do good and what is best for the child
Want any gap created in the lives of 3-6 year old children removed.
Want to know government and schools have a focus on 100% of the kids
Want to see improvement and teamwork
Want sustainable economic efforts that pay for themselves in every position possible
Want to see the start of ROI quickly (Win-Win, FAST-ASAP)
Know that gifts closest to the source are the most effective (Designated Gifts)
Know that gifts are twice blessed and taxes are not (Deep Smarts)
Want safety, security, and opportunity to rule the day and night
(Literacy as Democracy and Freedom)
Want accountability before the money flows
(Continuous Improvement)
Would like to see failures rewarded by the need to change, at the delivery levels
(Quality and Capitalism)
Know that education drives property and other values
(Deep Smarts)
Want the ROI expectation played out because the demographic and community situation has caused a pay now or pay later surety.
(Growth Force)
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