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Friday, March 30, 2007


USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658 or 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street
Winona, Minnesota (A 501 (c) (3) company)

March 20, 2007

Dear Senator or Representative:

The other day I found a solid articulation of wisdom… on the worldly concept of moving forward called progress. Simply put, in any long range strategy to improve year after year one must be solidly grounded in the truth. Only truth gives one the base confidence that long-term growth is possible. Course corrections and turnarounds are always better now than later. The faster one makes the decision the faster one is considered first a crazy person, then a progressive and then an innovator and then a leader.

Government and education “leadership” has said directly that we have cause to be uneasy with the Education Gap and the issues of AYP, and the truth is not still widely acted on. We all want progress, but without truth going forward we may not be getting any closer. In the case of AYP if we are not looking and designing for 100%’s in grades 3, 4 and 5 we do not have a prayer in the later years. It is tragedy in intellect to think we can have 100% in grades 6, 7, 8 and beyond without the foundation of 100% in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

All of this is actually predicated on not being behind in kindergarten, with our teachers telling us; it much depends on the child coming in the door ready to read and learn because at least 50% of the children have achieved that level. They have received the gift of Early Reading Skills from the family or community during the ages of 3-6. The truth is we know the gap is created age 3-6 and first measured in kindergarten. The only way forward is to match the gift. It just makes too much sense. It is also very difficult to change the systemic process without going back to the absolute truth. Good luck.

As Dr. Covey would ask. What is the end in mind and what is first-things-first? Because we can prove to be effective if we get this right.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director

PS. It is also true that the investment will require new money that cash flows later.


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