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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Is Now The Time?


Tom Wolfgram

Proficiency – Opportunity
Literacy -- Freedom – Responsibility

USA VALUES, Inc. has the audacious plan to help communities deliver 100% of the atrisk children to kindergarten ready to read, count and understand positive direction. It is new to define the word atrisk as a single word. You will find the rest of this to also be new thinking

Thinking and changing makes too much sense! All that is needed is a wide spread understanding of how primarily important and simple early reading skills delivered are and the fact that they are important economic foundations along with education foundations.

A whole new local business model will evolve that has small and large business very concerned for the community’s delivery. A delivery that is personal because it is one size fits one, first things first, and must be delivered right between the ages of 3-6. Business is a community person with character and values.

The school district knows that the delivery is all important to the proficiency and cost effectiveness of the school system and the child’s future.
The effective community citizen knows it is only limited by the rigor and commitment and new money existing for investing in the delivery of early reading skills to the age 3-6 child as the first of many valuable assets and attributes.
• Business must be allowed to be drive personally for the future economics. Investing with stated requirements normal for them.
• Age 3-6 education, including the “reaching out” school district’s requirements, must deliver the child ready to read, count and understand positive direction in connection with a defined ROI. One that latches onto community, school, city, county, and federal monies already in the system.
• Leadership must understand the ROI is strong enough to pay back the new money investment.
• The veteran, as a new player, has every back side covered regarding demonstrated rigor and commitment when the savings are contracted and resting in a community development corporation designed for paying back and investing in the local future economic opportunity.
o This rigor and commitment is nothing compared to the active foreign duty to deliver literacy and freedom as the agenda of opportunity.
o Literacy, freedom and opportunity are the bottom lines that the military has been asked to deliver to the world in the last 50+ years.
o Their dedication goes so perfectly with the desire to deliver similar assets attributes and values with rigor and commitment to the most atrisk at home. Why not make this delivery at home and abroad what it truly is—The USA Gift To The Atrisk World?

1. Can you help me?

A. Now is the time for new money, and, a solution to capacity that moves the public schools to proficiency with a 100% first things first delivery of Early Reading Skills.
• Public service messaging to Business, Moms and Citizens must be economic
• Make it economic, pay the investor back
a. 2004 Job Creation Act sources the money for Investment
b. Savings from the public domain become the sources of the payback
• Vest federal chartered veterans to be the catalyst to investment, savings and payback
• Must use growth to fund new money for Early Reading Skills Delivery, i.e.

B. Local business deserves a total solution and is holding out for it. Business deserves to pay for the total solution. It is all about economics. It is all about creating value from the discovery of hidden assets. They pay, they win.

2. Help me with the public policy that leaves open slots in our high quality delivery

3. Help me with the public policy that does not focus on delivering 100% of the at- risk for a committed return.

4. Lets get started

A. Everyone has an opportunity for positive cash flow within 2 days
by clicking here.
B. You are a mom or an educator or and effective citizen who thinks more positive messaging can be used and delivered to our children, click here.

C. If you are a growing or effective business, an effective citizen, or an effective organization who wants to use their base of economics to create new money for Early Reading Skills Delivered, click here.

If this does not make sense to you and you want to tell us why, Do so! We may be missing something. Give us your comments at the 9-15-08 post of this at:

Second Letter to Twin Cities MN Area Foundations

USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 651-735-3018
7879 Somerset Ct. Fax 651-451-1369
Woodbury, MN 55125

March 14, 2008



We have had several very quick responses to a batch of requests sent out because our initial request obviously does not fit the foundation program. There is a reason for that on both sides. We accept it, but beg that you at least ask for the introduction. We will not bother you after that. The introduction represents new designs and good thinking on the Prek education, K-12 proficiency, social, sustainable, choices, and poverty fronts. Good thinking that you might make better. From our perspective it is good enough thinking to start asking for investments, career choices, rigor and commitment that will create a sustainable different outcome based on real requirements. Everyone is needed to fill the gap that has existed forever.

So, before you say no to the March 10th letter! Please consider this.

You are only being asked to help provide the leverage of the veteran on the multinational corporation. Positively the companies want to help, but can not be told to loose shareholder money in the process. Our designs must deal with why one would ask for a gift when there is a ROI.

The multinationals have two public relationship issues against them. They need our local help to be the best they can be for our society. They are the largest and most public businesses; they are actually owned by the USA public shareholder or others in the world using the USA systems for financial security. This profile puts profits first.

• They moved the “cheese” for our kids and the education system; for growth and cost reasons. They have to do this, and yes-- in the last ten years they have only started to wave the important warning banners, but without solutions.

• They have been funded to fix this situation with the 2004 Job Creation Act but have so far allowed the funding to stay under the national radar because it is frankly complicated and a return on the investment for them is not assured without a contract. They already have a world market of human resources to work with so it is not as if their entities will run out of employees. That is more of a local problem.

The veteran can be positioned by the leaders of the multinationals in the syndication of the investment and the payback from the contracted ROI by the school, city and county. Everybody needs each other in this win-win.

Additionally, I have been a student and investor in the early learning situation for some time. I am vested. There seems to be no limit to the way the same simple thing is said time and again. There is too much talk.

I honestly will work to create a system, for profit or not, but most likely both that; 1) focuses on the most at risk from the bottoms up to maximize the ROI and reduce to almost zero the risk of the private investor. I see the money sitting with the private investor, and ROI is a given with more rigor and commitment delivered one size fits one. 2) Provide the systemic understanding of the basic requirements of the public kindergarten teacher in the early learning industry. Clearly, simply-- 100% of the children ready to read, count, add, subtract, and understand positive age appropriate direction, choices and opportunity would unleash a very powerful public education system for the benefit of all. Why not just do that first; It is over 80% of the PreK solution and can be verified by kindergarten teachers without testing.

Our proposed structure is all about this and has nothing to do with what has been done in the past. In our proposals the private sector provides the rigor and commitment to change. This design would be a new service industry built around the rigor and commitment we can expect from our returning veterans in our most at risk localities with a related public relations profit motive. It is about design and natural workings.

Thomas D. Wolfgram

First Letter to Foundations in Twin Cities MN area

USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 651-735-3018
7879 Somerset Ct. Fax 507-452-2202
Woodbury, MN 55125

March 7, 2008



USA VALUES, Inc. is a start-up advertising, promotion, and sponsorship company building the “Early Reading Skills Delivered --Ringing Advantages” brand.

This is an unusual request and opportunity. The platform for the “business” includes all of the economic elements to deliver 100% of at-risk children to kindergarten ready to read, count and understand positive direction, choice, and opportunity at its lowest possible cost given the requirement of 100% delivery.

Please consider this request to provide adequate financial guarantees for the SBA start-up capitalization loan of $500,000 covering Minnesota. The Patriot Act within the SBA 504 7(a) loan program is almost perfect for this business concept. No money is being requested of your foundation. By virtue of the guarantee you are somewhat funding the purchase of the company by veterans. The guarantee goes away as fast as success is achieved.

When the SBA approves the Patriot Act Loan for the veteran majority owned business (fast tracked) they will require a guarantee from the ownership. Additionally, we want to create a relationship with you as the guarantor that will give the ideas within this organization special legs and a new platform for the delivery of PreK education collaborations.

The business will be organized as an LLC. It will be majority owned by veterans. It will employ war disabled veterans wherever possible. The introduction to the business plan with many benefits described will be provided as you wish.

The start-up operation is in Northern Dakota County and South Washington County, Minnesota, where we have a small business and reside. The business will launch after a initial syndication of new money from the 2004 Job Creation Act. The for profit effort is in syndication of the investment, the payback of the investor, and the public service messaging in a specific location supported by business to consumer advertising, also the business unit success parameters can be systemically duplicated.

I have concluded recently that pre-k literacy for 100% of our at risk populations can be advanced dramatically with the veteran’s practical and ethical position. They have a confirmed banner of opportunity and have paid the price to wave it. It is; “Literacy is Freedom and the Agenda of Opportunity in the World”. Now is the time to be certain of the delivery in the USA with their set up and leadership.

Additionally the model does not call for the 20 billion annual dollars needed nationally as a gift or a grant. It calls for the investments (unrelated to the SBA) to be made by multinational and manufacturing companies already funded for this purpose by the 2004 Job Creation Act. The business model actually returns a real cash payback of this investment while it sets up the local community with the education and seed money to create high value jobs because of the early basic education. We are talking about AAAA quality. 100% ready for kindergarten, 100% proficient, 100% graduated, 100% ready for the flat world middle economy. That investment money is a cornerstone to success in the new middle economies and something must be added and changed to trigger it. If not now? When?

I will be pleased to explain how real economic improvements show up in the communities in 7 short years based on real saving units for real development. The real development desired is initially defined by the history book, - The World is Flat - by Thomas Friedman.

My hope is you see a way to be growth supportive at the regional, state and national levels beyond the guarantee even if the time is not right now. The business will employ several processes that are unique, proprietary and protected. The business will have natural relationships with local advertisers. It will have economic reason for the veteran to work with business, chambers, business associations, city and county development agencies and boards, K-12 school boards, PTAs, pre-k education organizations and the faith base.

If my hope is confirmed, I can email you a further introduction. Please send me your email address. Mine is in the letterhead. Also, let me know if you want to just visit to discuss, thanks you for your attention. You do not get too many requests to actually start a service industry so badly needed by society but really stuck in neutral by tradition.


Thomas D. Wolfgram, Owner of USA VALUES, Inc.

Second Letter to Multi-National Corporation CEOs

USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 651-735-3018
7879 Somerset Ct. Fax 651-451-1369
Woodbury, MN 55125

March 20, 2008



Before you dismiss the March 17th letter! Please consider:

I have been a student and investor in the early learning situation for some time. I am vested. There seems to be no limit to the way the same simple thing is said time and again. There is too much talk.

I honestly will work to create a system, for profit or not, but most likely both that; 1) focuses on the most at risk from the bottoms up to maximize the ROI and reduce to almost zero the risk of the private investor. I see the money sitting with the private investor, and ROI is a potential with more rigor and commitment. 2) Provide the systemic understanding of the basic requirements of the public kindergarten teacher in the early learning industry. Clearly, simply-- 100% of the children ready to read, count and understand positive age appropriate direction, choices and opportunity would unleash a very powerful public education system for the benefit of all. Why not just do that, first .

Our proposed structure is all about this and has nothing to do with what has been done in the past. In our proposals the private sector provides the rigor and commitment to change and is driven by the economics. It would be a new service industry built around the rigor and commitment we can expect from our returning veterans in our most at risk localities.

The private sector focus of keeping 100% of the kids in the high quality game until at least high school and providing high quality local jobs there after is now emerging as the first thing to do to protect the local areas ability to grow. This is a new market for everything.

Any investment in this early effort is discretionary and “above the law” use of the money repatriated by the 2004 Job Creation Act, or the tax reduction from the 2004 Producer’s Tax Deduction. How you present this money you received to the community is very important. A WHAT IF commitment to attain the many benefits described in the first letter to you is just prudent and growth positive. Also, inputting into the system the returning veteran’s special banner of “Literacy is Freedom and the Agenda of Opportunity” is important to every urban community that is stuck with the gap.

Everyone needs to know you hold the money and leadership to a solution and actually have a unique low risk investment proposal for the public (based on rigor and commitment) that will return enough of the ROI to the investor. We realize the multinationals have several issues working against them with a profile that puts profits first. Being the largest and most public businesses; you are actually owned by the USA public shareholder or others in the world using the USA systems for financial security. The USA middle is still the foundation.

• The “cheese” moved for our kids and the education system in the last ten years and most multi-nationals have not been waving the important warning banners.

• Multinationals and manufacturing companies have been funded to fix this situation with the 2004 Job Creation Act but have allowed the funding to stay under the national radar because it is frankly complicated and a return on the investment is not assured.

• You have a world market of human resources to work with so it is not as if you will run out of employees (maybe you will run into a shortage of the most ingenious as predicted) but the local companies will be hurting and everyone hurts when the 80% middle hurts.

The veteran can be positioned by the leaders of the multinationals in the syndication of the investment and the payback from the contracted ROI by the school, city and county. Everybody needs each other in this win-win. Once it works it can expand rapidly because the design uses natural business leverage.

Please, let me send you the introduction. We can get started soon.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President - USA VALUES, Inc.


First Letter to Multi-National Corporation CEOs

USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 651-735-3018
7879 Somerset Ct. Fax 651-451-1369
Woodbury, MN 55125

March 18, 2008



How did the 2004 Job Creation Act change the powerful multinational and manufacturing company to become a focal player in high quality job creation? How does our nation start with new inputs to the urban public schools so new outcomes can be expected?

How can you help now that your traditional before the cash infusion role has expired?
Providing citizens good jobs and developed opportunity when and if it all comes together in the USA is hurting the middle needed for the base economy.

Measured against the general practice of high quality, doing first things first, right the first time, one size fits one could leave a conclusion that few are making the 2004 Job Creation Act a real opportunity. The private sector focus of keeping 100% of the kids in the high quality game, and providing a high quality job opportunity after that; is now emerging as the first thing to do to protect the local areas ability to grow and be secure. This is a NEW MARKET for everything urban if we can just monetize the ROI from ready to read before kindergarten so that a payback from the public sector is possible. (This would be new)

• Everyone knows more rigor and commitment is needed to deliver 100% of a local population to kindergarten ready to read.
• We know that it is pay earlier now or pay more later.
• We also know there is a substantial sensitive period to learning language at age 3-6 that could change the lives of our most at risk.
• Child care can mean early reading skills delivered but often does not.
• 50% of our children arrive at kindergarten already behind.
• The system is generally strong enough to recover the top half of those behind.
• The system is out of growth money.
• The yield of those highly educated and motivated is too low for our growth rate.
• Kids drop out mentally, some as soon as the 4th grade.
• A dropout can be predicted after kindergarten.

We believe you will be interested in positioning a small investment, a loan, using your repatriated earnings. Your loans are paid back because the payback is contracted and managed by returning veterans. The veteran could be positioned by the leadership of the multinationals in the syndication of the investment risk and the payback from the contracted ROI by the school, city and county. Everybody needs each other in this win-win. This Contracted ROI Program will stand on its own economically so it could spread with SBA money just as fast as professional veterans can get up to speed on the leadership of the collaborative and early reading requirements.

Incomplete list of reasons to invest with rigor and commitment:

• Create high value jobs and a changed education proficiency in the USA.
• A classical change the input solution without pain because the gap is a void.
• Engage returning veterans, with the banner they have earned, in a very meaningful opportunity for the next 20-30 years.
• Encourage and help the public and public education address and project the important language learning sensitivity period before the children fall behind.
• Advantage the USA with integrity and fairness and an even start to the top in our urban communities.
• Be defined as the local ethic and demonstration to the new flat new world opportunity that also exists locally and then again internationally.

Please, use a minor portion of your repatriated earnings, please make a WHAT IF commitment (led and managed by professional returning veterans via a loan contract). Commit to the local public sector to fund the delivery of the most at risk kids to kindergarten ready to read, count and understand positive direction, choices and opportunity. ONLY IF, they agree to pay you back from the ROI. It breaks down locally to be $300,000 per 100 children per year for two years ($600,000 per 100 children).

This investment is a discretionary and “above the law” use of a very small portion of the money repatriated by the 2004 Job Creation Act, or the tax reduction from the 2004 Producer’s Tax Deduction. How you present this money that you received is very important. Inputting into the social system the returning veteran’s special banner of “Literacy is Freedom and the Agenda of Opportunity” is important to every urban community that is stuck with the gap.

If not now, when? If not this, what? For a school district that has 100 children starting in kindergarten each year the draft contract suggests there is roughly a $2,000,000 investment over 4 years in the kids and their caregivers at the most local level before a dollar is paid back by the school. What districts will say no to this? This new design is ready for a test. A start-up.

Please, let me send you the introductory package to this new design.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President USA VALUES, Inc.