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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

First Letter to Education

USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street
Winona, Minnesota 55987
(A 501 (c) (3) company)
March 2, 2007
Educators in Dakota County:
Thank you in advance for reading this introduction. This website provides tools to help deliver 100% of the children ready to read starting in kindergarten. The idea is to raise designated new money for many new deliveries of the early reading skill gift on this website for you and yours.
New Money – New Deliveries are the key words for education. We are asking business to start giving new money for new deliveries. The letter we are using has been attached FYI. The community must deliver 100% of the children ready to read as they start kindergarten to set up the next investments for growth. It will require the leadership from those who have the money. We ask you to:
1. Opt in for a gift at This site creates new money for the delivery of Early Reading Skills (ERS) as you position the need with the parents. In your positioning, you may also fund your character education program to the extent it is based on messages, stories and literature. Or, just take what is on the site for your use with other programs. Early reading skills and character education are both personal and important.
2. Raise awareness of your parents who have younger children to be certain they care about ERS for their child, and importantly, the children they will go to school with.
a. We have a fund raising kit that highlights this awareness
b. We have fun and respectful materials to prompt the discussion and the money
c. We have a reading kit built from the Montessori Method designed for one-on-one delivery in the home by parents, adults, and others
d. We help you have parties that focus on new money for ERS and Character
e. We have economic activity to fund raise for school groups (grades 8-12) under proper supervision

This should be fun, not a chore because giving is the start of all growth. This outcome will only happen with new deliveries to the most at-risk.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director
This letter is sponsored by:
USA VALUES, Inc. (763-550-0769) (a communications company)

PS. Start with an end in mind

Thank you for continuing to read this letter. I have attached a public service announcement made to 31,000 households in late January, and the letter sent to 1000+ businesses, all in Northern Dakota County. You will see That CDP is supportive of K-12 education believing the gap in achievement is actually created by a lack of giving Early Reading Skills to age 3-6 children; along with the attention to civility grace and opportunity. Other letters to editors of our local papers can be viewed and commented on at; .

It is a start
It is wonderful that society now delivers half of the children ready to read or already reading in kindergarten because of the gift given to each by an adult. That has raised the standard. We now must give the individual gift to 100% of the children if we expect 100% engagement and proficiency in elementary school.
We wish to provide the tools without reference to present segmentations of teaching, providing tools for adults delivering the gift so 100% of the children can't miss the road to success. We do not wish to separate the child from their significant adult so a one on two mentor role is in order that focuses on the child’s language acquisition. In many cases a full mentor is not needed. Principals and teachers have told us that we can help the most by equalizing the learning skills of the children who start school.
Ironically, this is likely the public schools most often requested, most reliable, most demonstrated solution to accountability. When 100% of the children have near equal exposure to language acquisition and learning through age 6; the schools work with less difference from the norm; and children have “equal” starts. Parents must be further supported in delivering ready to read children.
No conclusion until 100% “equal” starts are delivered each year without intervention
MAKE SURE THE RIGHT PROCESSES ARE BEING COMPLETED ON A FIRST THINGS FIRST BASIS. RIGHT THE FIRST TIME TO MAKE QUALITY FREE. Taxpayers would like to think it would just get done. Between government and schools they want to see the new money to do it. But, 50% of the population already deliver the gift because it is natural and important to the child’s success. Segments oppose each other without regard to the child’s success. Now it is clear, it is important to society’s success; this site accommodates the payer and delivery without reference to segments. Leadership always finds a way to make priority the focus. This site keeps the priority flexible and deliverable for the effective citizen leadership, one-size-fit-one.


USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-076915066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202Maple Grove, MN 55311

January 31, 2007
Minneapolis, MN


Working on what is important but not urgent is foundational to building value. It generally requires gifts or investments because returns are not certain. Children are very sensitive to language skill acquisition at age 3-6. The acquisition of the skill is more difficult after that. Value is created by doing first things first; which is to not miss this sensitive period for 100% of at-risk children. Some thoughts about building basic value with this delivery.

1. For those most at risk, and then society in general -- Many parents do not know the sensitive period to acquiring language skill is age 3-6. Proponents have not strongly made the point. This is the source of many disengagements and dysfunction. No fault, it is “new” knowledge.
2. For government and education -- Government and schools are accountable for the gap. It is growth, speed, and prosperity (commerce and profits) that shines the light of new requirements into this gap. Be positively supportive of education because it is a lack of giving early reading skills to age 3-6 children that has always caused the gap. K-6 actually reduces a gap created in ages 3-6. But, society has deeply structured the gap and continues delivering kids who have missed the sensitive period. 30-40% of our economy is built on or around the miss, so it is not smart to think it will be fixed without external influence. Positively put, if we had 100% of the children ready to read starting in kindergarten, what level of resources in education and government would we trigger to higher purpose as children grow to adults. What nation, or city, or neighborhood could ever catch or match this ultimate strength. The logic of this development just makes too much sense.
3. For the effective citizen -- 5-10% relish the opportunity to build value by working on the IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT. In this case - Delivery of Early Reading Skills to 100% of all children and especially the most at risk is still not urgent. Demand for this investment in 100% of the children by society, schools and government is just emerging. Skills delivery will naturally plug into any and all child development and early education. That part of the 100% will happen, it has effective champions. However, reaching the most at risk for the most significant return to society requires gift giving (with investments not far behind). There are few footprints for schools to make 100% the priority even though it has the highest potential return. Effective principals are on record that it is required. But it is not public funded.

Society is wired to find the highest return or the highest purpose, as soon as it is known. The knowledge is emerging. Important but not urgent is developing an urgency. Being effective is working on first things first.

As schools and governments tell us they don't have the money; we can now say, yes you do! Just go to the Blogspot; and start to build character networks; or, go to and opt in for a gift, give a gift, or just purchase the materials and fund raising kits to start deliveries.

USA VALUES, INC. is a start-up business designed in part to promote and publish certain truths about Early Reading Skills Delivery. Materials that help the delivery of ERS by adults are provided through USA VALUES-CDP, a 501(C)(3) corporation expecting to link families, paid volunteers, early childhood learning and faith-base resources, schools, corporations and agencies to first deliver 100% of the children to be ready-to-read starting in kindergarten.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President – USA VALUES, Inc.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

First Letter to Business

USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street
Winona, Minnesota 55987
(A 501 (c) (3) company)

February 9, 2007
Letter to Business in Dakota County:

Thank you for receiving this letter. The achievement gap is created by a lack of giving Early Reading Skills (ERS) to age 3-6 children along with attention to civility and grace. You can be positively supportive of all education as they recover many children who arrive at kindergarten without the reading skills, BUT SUPPORT CAN NOT END WITH WORDS. Education science explains this giving as critical nutrition at age 3-6 to keep up with the development of the child’s brain. Language acquisition is much more difficult after age 6. Some children get the gift and some do not, so...then some must be recovered; and some go on to disengagement. Help society’s ROI explode with 100% delivery at age 6.

Attached is one public service announcement. Other letters to editors of our local papers can be viewed and commented on at; . The key words are; Philanthropy, Fairness, Accountability, Effectiveness, ROI, FAST, Designated Giving, Deep Smarts, Literacy as Democracy and Freedom, Continuous Improvement, Quality and Capitalism, Growth Forces.

Please help us with the following in Dakota County:
Makes sure each of your employees understands how important ERS is to their children and the children they go to school with. Call me I will help you do this. Cell 612-968-1579.
Ask your employees to contact their school, teachers and child care providers to be certain they are opted-in for the designated gifts possible.
Please lead by giving a gift of new money for new deliveries of ERS and Character Education. Delivering ERS is just not being done enough with a focus on 100% of the children as I will explain, in the next year.

This should be fun, not a chore because giving is the start of all growth. This outcome will only happen with new money given closest to the source.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director

This letter is sponsored by:
USA VALUES, Inc. (763-550-0769)

PS. Reasons your business is interested in this delivery!

Want to do good and what is best for the child
Want any gap created in the lives of 3-6 year old children removed.
Want to know government and schools have a focus on 100% of the kids
Want to see improvement and teamwork
Want sustainable economic efforts that pay for themselves in every position possible
Want to see the start of ROI quickly (Win-Win, FAST-ASAP)
Know that gifts closest to the source are the most effective (Designated Gifts)
Know that gifts are twice blessed and taxes are not (Deep Smarts)
Want safety, security, and opportunity to rule the day and night
(Literacy as Democracy and Freedom)
Want accountability before the money flows
(Continuous Improvement)
Would like to see failures rewarded by the need to change, at the delivery levels
(Quality and Capitalism)
Know that education drives property and other values
(Deep Smarts)
Want the ROI expectation played out because the demographic and community situation has caused a pay now or pay later surety.
(Growth Force)


Deliver Early Reading Skills


Parents, you MUST KNOW FOR SURE that your children
will be ready to read to start kindergarten!
Delivery of Early Reading Skills at this age is a critical gift
Ready to read is a given outcome, at high quality education based preschools
It is homework if you must, in all situations focus is required
This is a call to action to align every child in your life!!

Times have changed, we are increasingly interdependent on basic foundations.

Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they
even start kindergarten. Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills
at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity

Talk to a kindergarten teacher about the issues; Read what they have to say about the issues at and

ROI for the community is huge! 100% ready to read is a formula for filling the achievement gap, preventing crime, and increasing property values

Please, effective citizens, follow the lead to USA VALUES-CDP on the website. Your gift will be twice or more blessed as we grow to invest in every child

Ethics and Economics call for our action!
Tom Wolfgram

Find the target or be the target.


USA VALUES, Inc. Phone 763-550-0769
15066 65th Place N Fax 507-452-2202
Maple Grove, MN 55311

January 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN


It strikes me (as it struck the 911 Commission page 377) that basic opportunity for 100% of children age 3-6 (Literacy as Democracy and Freedom) is a great development that will deliver opportunity for choices, growth and return.

A real USA fix (for the next 10 years) might be to make certain with authority that the child’s sensitive period to learning language (age 3-6) is not wasted before they even enter kindergarten. So the children start kindergarten with equal ready-to-read ability and basic equal Opportunity to Learn. The demographers have clearly projected every child has a high skill opportunity in our future.

Effective citizens are vested in equal Opportunity to Learn and face the prospect of give/invest now or pay more later. This opportunity gap has always existed. While we hold community and schools accountable, it is growth, speed, and prosperity (commerce and profits) that shines the light into this gap creating the new requirement.

It is more productive and positive to just lead the bottoms up GIVING to remove the gap. Giving properly structured is above the law, more effective without the red tape, and generates double and triple blessing because it is a bottoms up process. Can a adult (one-on-one, plus one) deliver Early Reading Skills (ERS) in (200 hours over 2 years) to a child? The plus one is the child’s mom or significant adult.

Our plan would be to truly deliver, ERS to at-risk children using a kit that a willing adult or parent can manage with the initial help of product experts. The effort would meet up with the top down traditional approaches with supporting materials and cover 100% of the children in a territory. Moms and teachers and care providers know when the kids are on track or not. They must want to be on track. A promotional and economic effort to build opportunity is also ethical.

This ERS gift will cost less than .2% of trailing manufacturing shipments and retail sales. It has to be a gift of NEW MONEY to be real. We estimate 143 million dollars per year for the state, 88 million for the metro area, and 17 million for Dakota County. The efforts from the bottom, with new money, might tune up the effort from the top. Commerce and those who make profits have much to gain. The ROI is greatest with the most at-risk.

The ROI will be visible in 4 years. “Investors” will see the return in the child starting kindergarten ready-to-read and demonstrating civility. The family will see the gift as a jumpstart. The school will deal with significantly more achievement ability. Learning will naturally start to build on the language sensitivity period. The apartments and housing will see a jump in value when the delivery of ERS is the promotional norm for the neighborhood. Education creates value and is seen in the real estate as a plus or minus playing out locally, street by street. Owners and renters will know.

As schools and governments tell us they don't have the money; we can now say, yes you do! Just go to the Blogspot; and start to build character networks; or, go to and opt in for a gift, give a gift, or just purchase the materials and fund raising kits to start.

USA VALUES, INC. is a start-up business designed in part to promote and publish certain truths about Early Reading Skills Delivery. Products that help the delivery of ERS by adults are provided through USA VALUES-CDP, a 501(C)(3) corporation expecting to link families, paid volunteers, early childhood learning and faith-base resources, schools, corporations and agencies to first deliver 100% of the children to be ready-to-read starting in kindergarten.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
President – USA VALUES, Inc.


USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658, Twin Cities 763-550-0769
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202
102 Walnut Street
Winona, Minnesota 55987
(A 501 (c) (3) company)


Children are the focus of the community and this unifying focus could be used positively. We could serve children and ourselves growth and prosperity if we accelerate investing in our age 3-6 most disadvantaged children. A partial focus on children is already used by the private sector to grow and prosper. Investments in a continuous improvement in our community focus on children will require that first-things-first be done right the first time. Let's draft this public premise from the following 100 word start:

The Truth Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten.

The Gift Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the most at-risk children to want opportunities, choices and engagement.

The Focus When 100% of the children start kindergarten ready to read English the urban school has the resources to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of No Child Left Behind. The principal is totally vested in this desired outcome.

Many important societal issues are addressed when the community commits to giving the gift of 100% early literacy, one-size-fits-one, to its collective self. The gift is ethical, moral, proven economic, and elusive. Our society has never prepared 100% of the children in urban areas to start kindergarten ready-to-read. Education and government could ask for the focused gift for the most disadvantaged children through the voice of the powerful effective citizen.

On the world stage a very powerful body of volunteers suggests we should be creating literacy for our own good. The 9-11 Commission Report, on page 377, defines, I quote, “the agenda of opportunity for the world to be literacy as freedom." The most powerful in the USA should be open to make good on this promise of freedom to at least 100% of the age 3-6 disadvantaged children.

As schools and governments tell us they don't have the money; we can now say, yes you do! Just go to the Blogspot; and start to work it out. Or go to and opt in for a gift of needed dedicated resources.

USA VALUES–CDP, Character Development Programs promotes truth; 1) The gift of Early Reading Skills (the FIRST value) is required for all age 3–6 children before they start kindergarten; 2) This individual gift is the key to opportunity; schools and government will never replace the individual in this effort at this age; 3) The gift is the most effective and lowest cost approach to preparing at-risk children for opportunities; 4) The principal is vested in 100% of the children starting kindergarten ready-to-read.CDP is a 501(C)(3) business expecting to link families, paid volunteers, early childhood learning and faith-base resources, schools, corporations and agencies to first deliver 100% of the children to be ready-to-read starting in kindergarten.


Thomas D. Wolfgram
Executive Director