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Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas, a Time for Giving

Children are the focus of the community and often this unifying focus could be used more positively.

We could serve children and ourselves growth and prosperity if we accelerate investing in our age 3-6 most disadvantaged children. Look to the following Blogspot for a more complete presentation of what it will take to move society to the next level; by just doing right the first time, that which is not even controversial. We have a Free "business plan of sorts", revealing a new set of assumptions and innovations critical to this action.

(PRWEB) December 18, 2004 -- Children are the focus of the community and often this unifying focus is not used positively. There is no question a focus on children is used by the private sector to grow and prosper. Now it is time to use this child focus in the public sectors, who are being asked by many, to create capacity with relatively less resources. Continuous improvements always require that first things first be done right the first time. We could serve children and ourselves growth and prosperity if we accelerate investing in our age 3-6 most disadvantaged children.

Let's draft this public premise from the following 100 word start:
The Truth
Without the gift of Early Reading Skills all children are behind before they even start kindergarten.
The Gift
Only an individual gift delivers early reading skills at age 3, 4 and 5. This gift is the key to opportunity. It is society’s best (effective and lowest cost) approach to preparing the bottom half of the bottom half (poorest of the poor) to want opportunities, choices and engagement.
The Focus
When 100% of the children start kindergarten ready to read English the urban school has the resources to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of No Child Left Behind.

Many important societal issues are addressed when the community commits to giving the gift of early literacy, one-size-fits-one, to its collective self. The gift is ethical, moral, proven economic, and better than an expansion of government. Our society has never prepared 100% of the children in urban areas to start kindergarten ready-to-read. Education and government could ask for the gift for the poorest of the poor children through the voice of the powerful effective citizen, with the money on the table to proceed; or, they could lead even more dramatically.

Look to the following Blogspot for a more complete presentation of what it will take to move society to the next level; by just doing right the first time, that which is not even controversial. On the world stage there is a needed worldwide action to create literacy suggested by a very powerful body of volunteers. The 9-11 Commission Report, on page 377, defines "the agenda of opportunity for the world to be literacy as freedom." The Most powerful in the USA should start to make good on this promise to age 3-6 American disadvantaged children, as a demonstration to the world stage.

When schools and governments tell us they don't have the money; we can now say, yes you do! Just go to the Blogspot and start to work it out. It might take the President and the Governors, and Federal and State Legislatures some effort to make the gift legal and possible, but it is "past due".