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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Businesses have the money for at-risk children development, *** 2004 Job Creation Act

January 30, 2005
Dear Governor Pawlenty:

I know it must be getting old to keep asking the State to either assess all of the States spending and the State level federal spending ½% to find the funds to create a new expectation. A elementary school expectation that 100% of the children are ready to read going into kindergarten and make permanent the systemic process that creates such a change; by developing a early reading network under the direction of the local elementary school principal; because he/she is really vested in the continuing improvement. See the 100-word summary in the first letter.

I also suggested, if you cannot make this mandatory, then at least make it voluntary for the State employees and the vendors and those in the private sector who see the light. Ultimately, the State will not be able to avoid the effective citizens evaluation when they become educated in just how basic, natural and possible it is to have 100% of the children ready to read going into kindergarten. I suggested that the effective citizen population would perk-up and also contribute to this effort.

You are aware of the ethical expectation that the Job Creation Act of 2004 has created for our multi-national companies to spend (monitored by the "legal and honor system") local dollars in the areas of job training and job creation. How much! Nationally 240 to 320 billion dollars; (Newsweek 1-31-05 p.34) that will be tax at 5% verses 35%; say 90 billion dollars of tax savings - and really 300 billion dollars of extra cash (the whole 95%) for investment purposes; money that would not come to the USA for investment purposes, without the Act. The executives and boards of directors must pledge on their sacred honor (separate recent Treasury Department Regulations) that the company has a "domestic reinvestment plan to use the tax advantaged money for only permissible spending to create lots of domestic jobs. This came about from the export of job outcry in 2003 and 2004. My summary of this is a vast over simplification but accurate summary of published expectations of new free cash hitting the USA. Then our weak dollar internationally might have the impact of significantly understating the 320 billion dollars by 20 to 40%. (More dollars become converted from the same euros, etc.) We are talking about major one time money over the next several years.

There is money that our leadership and most powerful citizens could deliver to the source of the significant permanent improvements we can make for our future. Governor, you have the bully pulpit, please start with the State and move right to the most powerful. A simple 300 corporations in this state might make up over 5% of the numbers being discussed above (my guess). YOU and all other effective citizens already have their commitment they will invest these funds to create lots and lots of new jobs. I think they have promised not to use these funds for dividends, stock buybacks, executive bonuses, and paying taxes. Ethically our corporations should be ready to tell us soon how they will use the funds to invest in domestic growth as a part of the treasury regulations. It is only 300 very interesting stories/reports that we are surely interested in.

Cash cannot be traced this clearly, but at the end of the day-years there will be additional money to spend for job creation. We can trace spending and look for extra investment in our backyards. This is not going to be well published, corporations have no reason to make this well known, but the facts should be positively and constructively presented by our free press as the spending unfolds against the honored expectations.

Also, our Federal Reserve is pointing to every dollar spent in the area of early childhood development that teaches children social and early reading skills (high quality) pays back 8-17 times; generating in excess of a 16% IRR; over the next 40 years. And, the payback in the first 10 years is significant enough to pay back bonds for creating principal networks.

Just Google- "Jobs Creation Act of 2004" - This is the title of the law;
"To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove impediments in such Code and make our manufacturing, service, and high-technology businesses and workers more competitive and productive both at home and abroad."

But, for this to actually impact the most needed job creation in the state we are going to have to start with Early Reading Development age 3-6 because …the employee base worth targeting (those out of work) for growth in our world economy will need to be able to engage and read. You cannot ask corporations (private sector) to spend money where the return is higher risk that the lowest risk alternative. But, now one of the lowest risk alternatives is 100% Early Reading and Social Skill education of our age 3-6 children - if you use your bully pulpit to influence the private investment for a public return. This will in faith makes a greater private return possible.

You are the top position to ask for some portion of the funds for 100% early childhood (age 3-6) social and reading education. Give a little to get a little, tried and true demonstrations of faith, love and hope; demonstrated to be very powerful by Mother Teresa and Rich Dad. Talk about being twice blessed from these public private gifts! The economic cycle will bless this many times more than twice. And, no tax increase is suggested.

Tom Wolfgram
USA VALUES - CDP Phone 507-452-2658
Character Development Program Fax 507-452-2202102
Walnut Street Twin Cities phone 763-550-0769
Winona, Minnesota 55987
(501 (c) (3) company)


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